1986年3月 岐阜県立斐太高等学校卒業
1990年3月 工学院大学工学部電子工学科卒業
1990年 4月 株式会社第一勧銀情報システム 入社(現みずほ情報総研株式会社)
1993年12月 株式会社第一勧銀情報システム 退社
1994年10月 有限会社ユニバーサルコンツェルン 設立
2005年 5月 Universal Concern America INC. 設立(米国ロサンゼルス)
2014年 7月 Universal Concern Asia Limited. 設立(香港)
2015年 4月 株式会社ユニバーサルコンツェルンアジア 設立
2019年11月 Universal Concern Malaysia Limited. 設立(マレーシア)
「We will develop our business with the aim of becoming an adventurous, creative, attractive, free, and motivated organization.」
30 years has passed I started Universal Concern after retiring Bank securities system firm when I was 26 years old.
We have challenged many kinds of business related IT, taking start-up advantages with higher and great aim.
In a few years, we had gone through tough economic times. After tough times, economic goes well and we have received
many business requests to develop Web system, smart phone system development, DX, AI, and Cloud system development from
the clients. One of our aims is to build a global business. A sign of an economic upturn means it is time to reinforce our team
towards next 10 years. We keep achieving stable growth of an existing business model, expanding our business and creating
a new business that leads to global business.
「Acting for our goals based on dreams」
Dream, set goals, achievement... Dream again.... We believe dreams come true once we act for the goals.
As for this consensus, we keep challenging with no fear of any failure. We try to get uninterrupted growth.
Lastly, I am grateful for all clients, stockholders, team members and all parties involved in us. Thanks to all supports,
we could keep business over 20 years.
By means of IT, we provide effective solutions at all scenes. We could all change the world.
代表取締役社長 小池 裕生